Together. Get to know us

Our mission

Everyone, individuals, companies, organisations... we all have something we live for.

Every day we work to make our purpose a reality:

"To be a provider of efficient, sustainable and cost-effective solutions for our customers, with a positive impact on society."


With a clear vision for the 2022-2024 strategic cycle:

  • To be profitable for our shareholders.

  • To offer an efficient service model, tailored to the needs and preferences of our customers.

  • To be a benchmark for sustainability at national level.

  • To become the preferred asset management company to work with.

    Our values

    Aligned with our purpose,



    Social commitment

    Our values are deeply ingrained in the way CaixaBank AM works and are set out in our code of ethics.


    People first

    CaixaBank AM is an organisation made up of people who work every day for people, whether they are our colleagues, our customers, our shareholders or society in general.

    Agility, our attitude

    Today you simply cannot be competitive without an agile and innovative attitude. We need to stay ahead of the constantly changing environment by gaining flexibility and speed. With this in mind, we apply disruptive thinking to make our day-to-day work a dynamic experience.

    Collaboration is our strength

    Teamwork is a great strength for us, and that is why we value diversity among our employees. We are a cross-cutting, close, collaborative and trust-building network, with a common path ahead and a shared commitment.

    Code of Ethics

    Our values are very present in the way CaixaBank AM works and are set out in our code of ethics.

    Descarga. Download

    Our brand

    CaixaBank AM, a company of CaixaBank Group

    We are consistent in the essence

    More than 35 years of solid experience is a great asset.

    Being faithful to our principles over time, even if the markets change, is our strength, the basis for being consistent, respectful and building trust, the most important asset. We are a socially responsible bank that believes in sustainable banking practices. Every decision we make creates a commitment to our customers.

    ”Belonging to CaixaBank makes us operate in a different way, committed to our environment”

    Key data *






    € under management and in advisory services

    * Data at 31/12/2023

    Belonging to CaixaBank Group inspires the strategic positioning of our asset management company, as well as our values and our corporate culture.

    That is why we have a distinctive model in place which entails a firm commitment to the well-being of our shareholders, customers, employees, suppliers and society as a whole.

    Strategic lines

    CaixaBank Asset Management is embarking on a new Strategic Plan, holding a position as the leading fund manager in Spain in:

    - Assets under management and unitholders

    - Mutual funds classified as sustainable

    - Largest volume in the industry of the discretionary management service with master portfolios classified as sustainable.

    Our Strategic Plan 2022-2024 provides a response to the main challenges:

    “The need to consolidate the projects undertaken in recent years, to lay the foundations in a way that is always consistent, to continue building and remaining committed to quality, with our ability to continue growing, to be close to our customers, putting them centre stage to create and to believe in what we do and what we want…”

    Strategic and enabling objectives

    We are guided by the corporate values of quality, trust and social commitment, but we are developing our vision for 2024, seeking:


    To be profitable for our shareholders, maintaining our national leadership.

    • Diversifying income sources
    • Launching new solutions tailored to our customers' needs


    Developing to achieve an efficient customer model.

    • Providing the best customer experience
    • Offering a comprehensive value proposition


    A benchmark sustainable asset management company at the national level.

    • Expanding the range of sustainable solutions
    • Continue with the commitment made on climate change


    Strengthen the organisational capacity of CaixaBank AM

    • Improving the employee experience
    • Integrating new tools that increase process efficiency

    Close to people

    At CaixaBank Asset Management, we are very conscious of our commitment to people.

    The way we can make this a reality is by being close to them, actively participating in the "la Caixa" Foundation's volunteering activities.

    "Close to the people"

    CaixaBank AM Materiality Matrix


    View full Materiality Matrix

    "Cybersecurity and data protection" and "financial strength and long-term profitability" are the two themes with the greatest impact on the consolidated stakeholder and business results.

    Also, three other key issues are identified as having a very high impact: ethical and responsible conduct, integration of ESG criteria in asset management and customer experience.

    With a high impact rating, most of the topics are related to the responsible conduct of the management company (topics related to internal management and people management).

    Environmental footprint, supplier management and collaboration with partners have a medium impact level.

    CaixaBank AM España

    Somos consistentes

    Our aim is to be consistent and reliable, being there for our customers throughout the whole process.

    Our aim is to be consistent and reliable, being there for our customers throughout the whole process Every decision we make seeks to strengthen this link, creating ever better investment solutions.

    At CaixaBank AM we don’t talk about products, we talk about investment solutions. Different investors have different needs, so we have to be very flexible in our approach in order to both reduce risks and take advantage of opportunities. This requires careful planning on our part.

    We are talking about the experience of professionals and the vision of managers dedicated exclusively to analysing and interpreting market trends to identify investment opportunities.

    A great team

    Talent and commitment are what set us apart and make us who we are

    The best and most effective organisation and methodology count for nothing without the people who put them into practice every day.

    We are very lucky that our professionals are the greatest expression of the company's values.

    This gives us a consistency that grows over the years and allows us to simply focus on doing the best possible job and offering the investment solutions and services our customers need.

    Extensive experience in investment management.

    Professionalism and results which are highly regarded in the sector.

    “European Leader in Gender Diversity 2021” and “Best Gender Representation 2021″ by Citywire.

    Specialists in each investment area: Fixed Income, Equities, Open Architecture, SICAV, Discretionary Portfolios, etc.

    The experience of our employees allows us to develop investment solutions tailored to each customer profile, diversifying investment and applying a dynamic approach to portfolios.

    We are committed to being transparent, trustworthy and socially responsible in the investment solutions we develop to reward the trust of our clients.

    Awards and recognition

    “EFQM 500 Seal” for the strategy focused on excellence, innovation and sustainability.

    "Manager with the Best Gender Representation in the World" for the second year running, according to Citywire.


    At CaixaBank Asset Management, we are guided by a set of ethical, social, and environmental criteria.

    The criteria are grouped into policies that are constantly updated thanks to a process of continuous improvement and are shared with full transparency with all our stakeholders.

    General Principles of the CaixaBank Group’s Corporate Conflicts of Interest Policy

    General Principles of Corporate Anti-Corruption Policy

    General Principles of Corporate Policy on Criminal Compliance

    General Principles of Corporate Policy on Compliance

    CaixaBank Group’s General Principles of the Corporate Policy on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing and International Sanctions and Financial Countermeasures

    Governance Bodies

    How CaixaBank Asset Management is managed.

    Board of Directors

    The Board of Directors of CaixaBank Asset Management is responsible for the direction, management and representation of the company in accordance with its values.

    The Board of Directors of CaixaBank Asset Management is composed of:

    Chairman Pablo Forero Calderón

    Vicepresident Juan Miguel Gandarias Zúñiga


    Laura Comas de Alarcón

    Cristina Rembado Thomas

    Juan Carlos Genestal Martínez

    Teresa María Cubas Méndez

    Eugenio Solla Tomé

    María Isabel Cabral de Abreu Castelo Branco

    Secretary (non-member) Pedro Zarraluqui Arvizu

    Deputy secretary (non-member) María del Camino Montero Sainz

    Audit Committee

    President Teresa María Cubas Méndez

    Cristina Rembado Thomas

    Juan Carlos Genestal Martínez

    Secretary (non-member) María del Camino Montero Sainz

    Deputy secretary (non-member) María José García Bragado


    • a) Report to the Annual General Meeting about matters posed by shareholders that are within the remit of the Committee and, in particular, on the result of the audit, explaining how this has contributed to the integrity of the financial information and the Committee's role in this process.
    • b) Supervising the efficiency of the Company's internal control system, internal audit and risk management systems, and discuss with the auditor any significant weaknesses in the internal control system detected during the audit, without compromising its independence. For such purposes, and if appropriate, it may submit recommendations or proposals to the Board of Directors and the corresponding deadline for their follow-up.

      In particular, in relation to the supervision of internal control, the Committee will be responsible for:

      1. Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the Company's risk management and compliance systems, policies and procedures.
      2. Proposing recommendations to the Board of Directors aimed at improving the effectiveness and suitability of the Bank's risk management and compliance systems, policies and procedures.
      3. Monitoring the implementation of recommendations or modifications to the Entity's systems, policies and procedures for risk management and regulatory compliance.
      4. Analysing and verifying reports relating to the Company’s internal audit function.
      5. Serving as a channel of communication between the Board of Directors and those who perform the Company’s internal audit function.
      6. Reviewing the audit plan proposed by the Company's internal auditors for each year prior to its approval by the Board of Directors and reviewing the implementation of the internal audit plan approved for each year and the performance of the internal audit duties.
    • c) Overseeing the process of preparation and presentation of required financial information and presenting recommendations or proposals to the Board of Directors aimed at safeguarding the integrity of such information.
    • d) Making recommendations to the Board of Directors for the selection, appointment, reappointment and removal of the auditor, taking responsibility for the selection process pursuant to the provisions of the regulations applicable to the Company, and the terms of engagement, and receive regular information from the auditor on the audit plan and the actual audit, in addition to preserving independence in the exercise of the auditor's duties;
    • e) Establishing the appropriate relationships with the external auditor in order to receive information on those issues which may result in a threat to their independence, for examination by the Committee, and any others relating to the audit process and, where relevant, the authorisation of the services other than those prohibited, under the terms established in the applicable legislation in relation to the need for independence, and any other communications provided for in audit legislation and audit regulations.

      In any event, on an annual basis, the Committee must receive from the external auditors a declaration of their independence with regard to the entity or entities related to it, either directly or indirectly, in addition to detailed and individualised information on additional services of any kind rendered to these entities and the corresponding fees received by the aforementioned auditors or persons or entities related to them as stipulated by auditing legislation.

    • f) Issuing annually, prior to the issuance of the audit report, a report containing an opinion on whether the independence of the auditors or the audit companies is compromised.

      This report must set out, in all cases, the justified evaluation of the provision of each and every one of the additional services referred to in letter e) above, individually and collectively considered, different from the legal audit and related to the degree of independence or to the regulatory audit regulations;

    • g) Reporting, in advance, to the Board of Directors on all matters provided for in the Law and, where appropriate, in the Bylaws on:
      1. The financial information that the Company must periodically disclose,
      2. The creation or acquisition of stakes in special purpose entities domiciled in countries or territories considered to be tax havens.
      3. Related-party transactions.

    Appointments, Remuneration and Sustainability Committee

    Appointments, Remuneration and Sustainability Committee of CaixaBank Asset Management is composed of:


    President Cristina Rembado Thomas

    Teresa María Cubas Méndez

    Secretary (non-member) María del Camino Montero Sainz

    BPI Gestão de Ativos

    CaixaBank AM Luxemburgo